Ways to Get that Male Stripper Body

Male strippers are required to keep their body toned and ensure that those six packs are on full display. Their lifestyle is strict when it comes to working out, and they watch their diet very closely so that their body remains as healthy and in shape as possible.


If you are looking for ways to get the body of a Butler from Bare Butlers here are certain things you can do to achieve that!


Have a healthy diet 

When we hear the word diet, the first thing that comes to our mind is eating salads, which is not completely false as having a healthy diet does include vegetables and fruits. A lot of people do not understand that as much as our body needs vitamins and proteins, it also needs fat and carbohydrates for the diet to be healthy.  Food is fuel!


Work out regularly 

Working out and having a healthy diet are the two most obvious things you need to do to get that stripper body. Staying consistent is another thing that is essential because if you want to maintain a nice body, you have to put in the effort consistently to make that happen.


Doing specific workouts to achieve a certain result is a good idea, so that you can focus on areas of your body where you want to see the most growth.


Get a personal trainer 

A personal trainer can help you by focusing on yourself. When you get undivided attention and the trainer focuses only on you, they will ensure that whatever workout they plan for you, works for your body, so you can see noticeable changes over a period of time.


Everyone’s body is different and it needs specific ways to reach the same goal as the other.


Stay hydrated

Water is one thing that will not affect you negatively unless you take it in abnormal amounts. For adults, it is recommended to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day so if you do that alongside having a healthy diet, you can achieve the body of your dreams.

You can keep a water bottle with yourself and drink from that throughout the day. If you have signed up for a fitness plan, you can take their advice from them regarding when and how much water you should drink.

Physical appearance 

As important it is to take care of your body from the inside by taking the right diet, working out, drinking enough water, you should also look after your body’s physical appearance too. The grooming includes getting body hair trimmed every now and then. Grooming also includes taking care of your face, ensuring that you keep your facial hair in check too.   Most importantly, though, make sure that you are confident in your physical appearance – love the skin you are in!


Can't decide?

Turn up the heat with this great combo:

Butler + Strip Tease

Start the party with a bang when your Butler strips to a G-string. Then, he will be your topless waiter for two hours.

FROM $490

Can't decide?

Life drawing is our most popular service:

Nude Life Drawing

Your Butler will both host and pose for a series of fun drawing games, tastefully nude. This activity lasts one hour.

FROM $345

Can't decide?

Try our most popular combo:

Butler + Life Drawing

Your topless waiter will host games and mix drinks for the first hour. Then, draw your nude model in a series of drawing games.

FROM $430